Hattiesburg John Doe (Steve Hex)

  • Male
  • Caucasian
  • Age: 22 - 28 (estimated)
  • Height: 5'9 (1.75m) - 5'11 (1.80m)
  • Weight: 175 Ibs (77kg)
  • Hair color: Auburn/Red
  • Eye color: Blue or Hazel 
  • Blood Type: B-Negative
  • Had freckles
  • No tattoos, scars, or other distinguishing marks
  • Had a mustache & beard when he was found
  • Fingerprints, DNA, & dental records available 
  • Found on December 1 or 12, 1998
  • Found alive
  • Died on May 1, 2002
  • Died as a result of injuries from a hit and run
  • Found in Hattiesburg, Mississippi

Hattiesburg John Doe

    A man was hit by a drunk driver while hitchhiking on the ramp to Interstate-59 northbound in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.  The perpetrator fled the scene & was caught later.  
    Before the man lost consciousness, he told paramedics that his name was either Steve Hex or Steve Hicks, & that he came from West Virginia.
Photo of Hattiesburg John doe after the accident

Sketches of victim by Barbara A. Martin

The victim suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of the accident, that left him in a vegetative state.  He was sent to Hotel Reed in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, to be cared for.  He later died of complications from the accident on May 1st, 2002.

More photos of the victim

Hattiesburg Police Department
2. NamUs


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