Murders of Terrence Demildenhall and Fred Edgi

Location: Portland, Oregon
Dates: September 2, 1986 - February 27, 1987
Victims: 2; Terrence Demildenhall & Fred Edgi

During the morning of Tuesday, September 2nd, 1986, the body of Terrence Demildenhall, a 22 year old white homeless man, was discovered shot to death in his sleeping bag near the seawall in Waterfront Park, 100 yards north of the Morrison Bridge.  Demildenhall was last seen alive earlier in the day at 12:30 AM, sleeping in the same place.

Waterfront Park in 2012

Nearly 6 months later, on Friday, February 27, 1987, less than half a mile from where Terrance Demildenhall's body was discovered, the remains of Fred William Edgi, a 36 year old Indian homeless man, was found shot to death in his sleeping bag.

Waterfront Park
Fred Edgi

The similar M.O, proximity of the murders, & other unspecified evidence links both murders to the same unknown suspect.



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