Penn Station Sniper
Location: Pennsylvania Station, NYC, New York Dates: April 28, 1983 - February 21, 1984 Victims: 7 (6 Injured; 1 murdered) The first victim was a 50 year old homeless woman named Emily Lucchesse. She was shot in the hip on April 28, 1983, while laying against a wall in a second-floor room of the Antonio Olivieri Center for homeless women. The gunman shot her from a second-floor setback connected to the Pennsylvania station. Police searched the surrounding areas but found no trace of the perpetrator or their weapon. After the bullet was removed from Lucchesse, it was discovered that it was fired from a .25 caliber automatic weapon. It was then sent to the department's ballistics l aboratory to see if it matched with the 1981 murder of Allan Spiegal. It wasn't a match, but Allan Spiegal's murder was later solved after a Philippine immigrant confessed to it. Less than a month later, on May 18th, 45-year-old Alvin Siegel, a hotel watchman, was shot in the r